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Sep 12, 2011

Indians dump dead body in river

Out of the 10 million people or so who die each year in India, close to 85% of the population practice cremation, according to the latest UN statistics. This results in the cutting down of an estimated 50 million trees and the production of approximately 8 million tons of carbon dioxide each year.Do Indians still dump dead bodies in the Ganges River? How does this practice effect the environment of the river? Is the water contaminated, or is the water potable? Isn't this practice barbaric, and shouldn't it be stopped if it still goes on? Can you eat the fish that feed on the corpses? Would you? The poor and lonely people don´t get cremated but they ends up in the Ganges river anyway somehow. It is a natural and very common sight in India. In the western world it might be a crime scene, but not in India.


  1. foolish Indians. Why they can't bury them.

    1. you may be foolish .. idiot .. dnt teach our religion .. ruskel

  2. They are very filthy nation. Lot of Indians lost their lives because of germ infections. These activities are nonsense.

  3. Idiyawe inna ungen bagekatama bageta pissu.

  4. feel sorry about them. innocents and idiots.

  5. Cut them, cook and eat. That's better than this.

  6. Give these dead bodies for a medical college

  7. न जाने क्यों रेत की तरह निकल जाते है वो लोग जिन्हे हम जिन्दगी समझ कर कभी खोना नहीं चाह्ते

  8. indians have a monkey-level culture. filthy, loud, not respecting people around them, but the money, stinky

  9. very cheap people

  10. This is why some babies there are born so deformed, some reported to have two heads.

  11. I think I am going to go now, and have Indian for lunch! I want to have that yellowish what ever that stinks up the whole neighborhood and eat it off of a dead body.


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