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Sep 20, 2011

Being able to walk again

A Chinese man takes a giant leap towards being able to walk again one day Peng Shulin is able to walk again with the help of a pair of bionic legs that were custom fit for his lower body.  After Shulin  was involved in a tragic accident that ultimately led to him losing the lower half of his body, his future looked bleak - As many as 20 doctors were called in to help safe Peng's life, having to go as far as grafting skin from his head onto his face.
Even though he was bedridden since the accident, Shulin never gave up hope for the future.
Shulin recently began strengthening his arms so that he would be able to do daily activities 

such as brushing his teeth and combing his hair.  Doctors from Beijing's China Rehabilitation Research Center helped create a "sophisticated egg cup-like casting to hold his body with two bionic legs attached to it."
Shulin is reportedly delighted with the ability to walk again.
Robotic companies and independent researchers are conducting a large amount of research to help develop the new generation of bionic body parts, especially for amputees.  Researchers hope artificial body parts are able to one day work and feel like a real body limb.  Soldiers and accident victims can now pay for technology which allows them to lead a better life. 


Special Tanks to DailyTech 

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